This was our second real show. David remembers getting the offer for this when he was at the gym, and frantically texting the group chat in excitement. We were all freaking out about it, since it was the first time we ever got contacted by someone we didn’t know about our band.
We remember being really stressed out when we were finding parking and loading in. We had to park in a parking garage and take all our gear down the elevator then leave it in the front of the venue, which was terrifying for a band who had only played one show. We also didn’t have very much setup time and were rushed to start, leaving us all a little frazzled by the time we started playing. The venue was also bigger than The Hive, so people weren’t right in front of the stage. It’s more awkward that way, since there’s such a gap between you and the people you’re playing for.
David thinks we did better at our first show, and Keegan said “I don’t think it had fully occurred to me that we were playing a show until we got off stage.” It was kind of a whirlwind and we didn’t think we did as well as we could’ve.
Ryan remembers there being a window into the kitchen right next to his kit, and talking with the chef through it during the show.
Sef Idle
Young Planetary
Kid Catapult