
Treefort Music Fest 2023

March 23, 2023

the story

TREEEEEFFFOOOORRRTTTT! This was probably our best performance yet. What a show.

There was an incredible turnout here – probably our biggest crowd we’ve ever had. We were all really worried that nobody would show up, given how many other shows were going on, but we were blown away by how many people came to see us. It was really such an honor for us to even be playing the festival in the first place, much less have anyone actually be there.

We debuted our new song “Feeling Yourself Melt” at this show! It’s still not 100% finished, but we were so excited about the song we decided it needed to be played. It seemed like people really loved that one. This song is David’s favorite so far, and it’s been in the works for a stupid long time.

In a move The New York Times called “unprecedented and daring,” we played a snippet of Akira Yamaoka’s “Theme of Laura” as a transition between 2029 and Feeling Yourself Melt. It’s the title theme to one of David’s favorite games, Silent Hill 2, and a song he’s been trying to get the band to play for months. There were a couple people in the crowd who recognized it right away! If this was you, let us know. David wants to talk to you about his theories for the game’s ending.

However, there’s one story most will remember this show by. Keegan got a little too rowdy during Apocalypse Hill and broke his cable, with the end stuck in his bass’ input jack. For a second, we all thought the end was nigh and we’d just have to disband at that point. Just hang up the towel Downcoast is over.

But hark! A crowd member approaches the stage, carrying nothing but a pair of needle-nose pliers. Why did they have needle-nose pliers on them? What is the identity of this hero? We may never know. But for whatever reason, this person’s plier collection ended up saving the day. Thank you plier person. We are forever in your debt.

If you know the identity of the Purveyor of Pliers, let us know. We wanna give them a shirt or something.

Thank you to everyone for coming to see us! We love you all. Treefort was amazing this year.


Here are some other incredible bands we saw at the fest. Go check them out:

Neocentrics, Crush the Monster, Dark Dazey, Strange Lily, TEKE::TEKE, Prism Bitch, Ultra Q, Plum Vision, Moon Owl’s Mages, Spoon Benders, Frankie & The Witch Fingers, Guerilla Toss, Louis Cole Big Band, Raccoon Tour, Help.


Dinner at Barkham’s (with false stop)

Here, There, and Back Again (with tape intro)


Seven and Seven Is (Love cover)

Apocalypse Hill (with DC outros)


Theme of Laura (Akira Yamaoka’s Silent Hill 2 Soundtrack cover)

Feeling Yourself Melt (live debut)

Prestonvalles Tmf 2023 120 (1)

other acts

Everyone else at Treefort!